Sunday 21 April 2013

Chaos Orb: Polar Bear Character

Some preliminary sketches for a polar bear character from chaos orb that never materialised.

Friday 29 March 2013

Siege of Inaolia - Cave Arena Concept

Key: Red - Enemy spawn points
Green - Small health pickups
Blue - Large health pickups

A quick sketch, bringing the first level design into 3D

Creating the mood and scale of the environment, added a stream that runs towards the small lake, pools of water make the otherwise empty area on the right more interesting. Gameplay-wise, the the water could be used strategically - if it slows players and/or enemies. Colour will be added later.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Esaya updates

Skin re-done, changed face and hair to make her look younger and fairer, added shading, some detail and a quick background

New face close up:

Monday 11 March 2013

Changed boots, hair and other details, added bow (may be changed to a more flamboyant design more fitting for a thief queen) I will experiment with adding jewelery/details to accentuate her royal class.

Monday 4 March 2013

Esaya - small update

Changing the Esaya concept clothing as is was decided that we are going to keep away from the typical female armour (or lack of it) scheme, This is just a quick realisation of ideas - still isn't capturing the feeling of a 'thief queen' to me... will probably be changed to some kind of ornate leather armour for the final design.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Research - More Desert

Another small update from my landscapes research project: not really thinking about composition much here, just some colour theory practice.

Monday 25 February 2013

Siege of Inaolia - Esaya Character Concept

 I started by doing some quick sketches of potential poses with the thief/assassin theme in mind.

 Settled on this simple pose as it will show the whole body of the character without being too boring.

 The final line drawing, I added some armour but kept most of her attire fabric as it is more fitting for a thief who would value the ability to move around silently.

Starting to block in some colour here, decided on a blue/black colour scheme.

Filling in the details, shouldn't take long to finish now.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Research - Desert

More from my research project, looking at desert landscapes this time.

New Team, New Game: Seige of Inaolia

After hearing the news that the Chaos Orb project has been cancelled for the time being I heard about another project called Siege of Inaolia. 
The main themes of the story are not too different from that of Chaos Orb and it has some really nice concepts. Here's an environment piece I've been working on for one of their level designers.

The progress shot I sent, establishing the 'feel' for this small abandoned camp. It's still fairly blocky at this point.

Very nearly finished here, filled out the trees and added highlights to make them fit the rest of the spring/summer scene.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Research Project - Caves

A few quick paintings from my research project, looking at cave environments at the moment.

Chaos Orb Update

Trying out some colour, not finshed yet.

Finalising the b&w sketch.

Small variations to the final design.

Really not happy with this one, but it was rushed out for a game announcement later that day.