Wednesday 24 October 2012

Final Major Project Intro

For my final major project I am working towards creating a portfolio that I can then use to show potential employers such as game studios and concept art studios, My portfolio will largely consist of work I have completed during my work experience on board the Chaos Orb project under Waldermar Interactive. The final piece of my project will be a printed book that will showcase my digital portfolio, It will include both drawings and finished concept paintings.

My audience will be any employer or interviewer that would require a physical portfolio to be sent to them, Also I could make the portfolio into one digital document using either MS Powerpoint or Adobe Acrobat to send to employers for online applications.

I think this project will be very useful in helping my Photoshop skills grow and will improve my professional practice experience through working with others. By using this project to create a portfolio I will be better prepared when applying for jobs outside/after university.

I have started reading and watching the work of leading concept artist Feng Zhu, He teaches classes in concept art and creates free tutorials on youtube that explore many techniques that are new to me, he also has a lot of experience in the world of design that he draws upon in his tutorials, I think learning from him and others like him on the internet will help me a lot in the future.

I am also going to practice landscape drawing in different ways such as drawing a landscape from life then altering it to produce many different finished images ( futuristic, war torn, arctic, desert. etc.)

I am also going to practice adding details and people to my landscapes to make them look more believable  I will do this by taking details from real locations to get a better idea of what should be included in my designs.

Time Plan:

I am going to create a work schedule for myself that is similar to that of a daily job, I think getting into a pattern will help my work to progress at a steady rate.

Morning - Lunch
Speed painting until lunch - time spent trying new techniques learned from tutorials, quick landscapes and sketches:

Afternoon - About 5-6pm?
Continue with current project piece (Chaos Orb)

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